25 February, 2013

Before and After

I posted this one back in 2010 

It really is good to see some improvement... Shame my colouring hasn't, haha! GDI.

18 February, 2013


Oh hey look....

An update!
I've just been taking pictures of my drawings with my cell phone, and they usually come out really bad on there, and lose some detail on it. 
My laptop has been a real pain in the ass though. I got it ALMOST four years ago, and it seems to be on its last legs. 
Or more that it's standing on one foot, and it's last breath is to tick me off.
From about a year after I got it, I would leave it charging all the time, even when it had full charged. A good computer wiz friend of mine told me, "Ahaha, no idiot." and I was like, "Derp, oh!" 
Five minutes later, I'd have to get to my cord quickly. That really wasn't a problem to me, since it still worked great, but then it started to be slow, and I can't play games on here anymore.
But thats not it...
The hole to where my charger plugs into is bent now, so I can be doing something, completely distracted, then BAM, battery dies, and I see my cord popped out, chilling there. So it makes it a fight for when I finish scanning things, come back up, and sit it back in a certain position to prevent the stupid thing from spitting out the cord.
Why don't I just tape it, you ask?
Well, it's not really my cord. I borrowed it from my auntie, since my old one had a short in it. 
Boy I talk a lot, the whole point of me posting here, was for this:
A work in progress. 
I'm going to end this, before I ramble about more things. 
See ya!

11 February, 2013

Hi there!

Sorry I haven't been active! It's been a combination of lazyness, business, procrastination, and been mostly adventuring around tumblr. I have some pictures to upload, but it won't be posted on here, until, maybe, HOPEFULLY, tomorrow.
Bad grammar, I know. I'm a bit in a rush because I have to go to work in like.... a few minutes. So no proof reading or anything.

I will be going to my aunties house for dinner after work today.