30 November, 2010


Just a quick doodle I did of the character Artie, from Glee. He is my favorite character, he is so geeky looking, it is adorable, haha. But that's just me.

22 November, 2010

Coloured Version!

Melting snow for Kat's b-day

I told my dear friend I'd run around town, and melt snow for her. 
While I was drawing this, I told her I felt like a jerk for making the snowman frown.

Happy (somewhat) Belated Birthday Kat! <3

21 November, 2010

Moon that looks like a giant Banana

The moon is not cheese, it is a big banana that always fills in for the round ball of cheese, on certain nights.

20 November, 2010

Something for November

Um...... It snowed.... Lost the power three times.
My car looked like a cake.
It was delicious.


19 November, 2010

I think I have an artblock

Found in a meadow full of florical beauty, and wonder.
These creatures enjoy fluttering about, dripping its slime all over you, as they smile mischivously.


I hope this artblock goes away soon.

15 November, 2010

12 November, 2010