It's still not finished, but this is probably going to be as finished as it's gonna be. (Look at my grammar? ISN'T IT SPLENDID?)
I would have posted this earlier, but, I've been busy.... Waiting for phone calls, lack of motivation and playing Jak 2.
I restarted playing the game shortly after I beat the first game, Jak and Daxter. I couldn't remember much of what had happened in Jak 2, so as soon as I started to refill my memory banks with a new file, I went back to my first file, from where I left off.
Then, I remembered why I stopped playing it for what? 4-5 years?
This mission was known as Hunting Hellcat Cruisers. I've looked through walkthroughs, and searched for tips, tried them all, and nothing really seemed to work. I didn't even come up with a strategy in the end. All I did was swear (a lot...) at the screen, and drive like mad or hide in clear spots when I'd start to get chased, and sometimes, just went "Ah, to hell with it," and just continued to shoot the cruisers. But finally, when it was all done, I felt a biiiiiiiiig waaaaaave of.... annoyance. Haha, I was happy I got it done, but I don't think I'll be re-playing the game, or picking up from where I left off in my newest game file, for a looooooong time.