25 September, 2013

I almost forgot to post these on here. XP

13 September, 2013

These are the brothers just a little bit older. I've been contemplating posting this. I drew it shortly after I drew them "younger."  


3) - These three pictures were inspired by this animes ending theme.... And the hot weather...

1) Requested by Brenna. 
She wanted me to draw her boyfriend singing his love for nachos... I added the unicorn in there...

2) Requested by Brenna.

06 September, 2013


I'm so super happy that I can draw on my laptop now, seriously, I haven't been able to stop now. I won't be posting anything new for the next two-three days though. I'll be off to my uncles to go work... 

This picture was inspired by my dad, he used to be a fisherman, but he still loves the water, no matter what. 

05 September, 2013

Whenever I draw these two, the red-head always looks miserable to be getting a picture taken with his brother. I had this story in my head that he was always jealous that his brother (the blond) inherited his dads blond hair and non-freckle face. Then when the two got older, the younger brother ended up being much taller than the elder brother, and yeah.... For some reason I'm having a hard time explaining it.
Anyways, thats all for now.