13 March, 2010


I wonder if it's alright to post two blogs a day?(Since I posted one on midnight....Oh well!) I was going to post these comic strips up once a week, but so far, I got nothing new. I didn't plan these, but they popped in my head like popcorn. "Adventure" took place maybe... a month ago? Chrissy and I walked all the way from the house, to town... And that was ONE LONG WALK. Very nice though, it was soothing, but it was a pain in the ass to have cars blind you every 5 minutes when the sun is down.

This took place, perhapes maybe two years ago? In the pool of Katie's home. Becky had this under water camera, and we obiviously took pictures. I had a teeny problem though. My butt floats, so I couldn't stay down without having Katie or Becky hold me down with their hands and/or feet. I need like... Weights in the back pocket of my shorts to stay down.

I didn't drown.... It kinda looks like that, BUT, my bottom won't let me drown, so don't worry.


  1. Of course you can post more than once a day! You create your own rules in life and the internets!

    These are cute.

  2. Dis is mah turf, I do what I want, when I want yo~!

    I forgot your freckle... Ooops. I'll edit later though~ And thank you. :>

  3. Haha, Becky has a little mole on her chiny chin chin also.

  4. Hahaha, I never noticed...

    I have really light freckles around my nose bridge when Summer comes along. :>

  5. i post more than once a day half the time so it's fine. the more you post the more unique visits you get so remember that!!
