15 March, 2010

Triple Z

Woke up at around 7 today to help my mom with the groceries. I had only 3 or 4 hours of a broken sleep. Just a little while ago, I was so sluggish feeling, that even my thoughts were mumbling.

Anyway, I had watched an old movie I loved to death when I was 4-5 years old, and that would be The Swan Princess. Even though The Lion King was my top favorite of all time, Swan Princess was my second favorite. (..I think. Along with Thumbelina and a few others.)

When I watched it recently, I couldn't remember much of it at all, besides Princess Odette turning into a swan by the moon, so it was like watching it for the first time all over again.

I remember my very first impression on it though, besides my young naivety, I never understood anything of what they said or sung, I mean, I was a little girl, so my main focus was that there was a princess, it was magical, and that there was going to be a happily ever after. I kinda don't know what my view on it now, besides that it was cheesy like any old childhood movie. But I know I don't hate it... The two sequals however...

I remembered loving them when I was little...

I think I'm done my little rant for the day, I think. It's only noon at the moment... So who knows, maybe I might clean up my closet and walk into Narnia. I actually wouldn't be surprised....

1 comment:

  1. you need to get a better sleep pattern going crazy girl!

    nice to see you tonight! <3
