01 May, 2010

Blue ink.

I have another picture that needs to be outlined, but procrastination is currently like a piano being tied to my ass, I just can't seem to shake it off. I outlined this just so I could colour this, but just when I was finishing it, I just didn't want to do it anymore.

I'll probably put a coloured version of this up later... MUCH later.

Take it back. I got it coloured, just need to outline and colour another picture. It MIGHT be done in the wee hours of the morning... OOR never. xPUsually whenever I colour something, I can never ever get the right colours I want, and then I edit it through Piknik, but this time, I actually got the colours I imagined, when I coloured it.

Though, the only thing about this picture that bothers me is the horrible attempt of shading the lips, and the lack of background.



  1. Oh she's stylin'~

    The new banner is so adorkable!

  2. Sankyew~

    Haha, I'm finally happy with this one. :>
