09 July, 2010

I guess THIS is my actual 99th post. (Or Not)

Well, I'm kinda confused, since my dashboard suddenly told me I have 98 posts, when last I saw was 99. My archive says I have 97. These are some drawings I did from the beginning of July, along with the paper dolls I drew for some. I still have Dini's, and other randoms to scan, or take pictures of.

I apologize for the crappy quality of the paper dolls above, I was in poor lighting. xP

I would also colour them, but I don't really have good colours, besides colouring them on SAI. Oh well.

This'll hopefully be my 99th post, but if not, I'll be throwing some more drawings up. My usb is still being a little finiky, but other than that, lets hope I'll be able to post something super awesome for the 18th!

Bear-hair over and out~


I take it back. This is my 98th post. Haha...whoops. Kay, I'm done. It seems that technology hasn't been on my side as of late.... Hmmmmm.....


  1. OMG I LOVE IT! Thank you so much, your such a sweetie :D I'm going to frame ours :D *hugs*

  2. Your very welcome!! I'm glad you like it!! <3<3 :D
