08 September, 2011

 Done on MS paint.... I attempted to colour it, but it kind of looks really weird. 

The following content contains gaming nerdness. Viewer/Reader Descretion is advised.
SO. I've been playing FF13 again, and wanted to level up my characters so I can actually fight this big giant thing, (that murders me and my party in two stomps) and upon my levelling adventures, I realized.... That I deleted the wrong files, and I now have to refinish the Mission Quests...
So I decided to replay the game instead, and couldn't stop stairing at Sazh's guns. 
My first thoughts were, "Why is he using carrots as guns?" 

Sazh, why are your guns so orange!? 

Anyways, thats all I needed to share. I can't really remember what else I wanted to add, but if I remember, I can always save it for my next post. : ) 


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