21 September, 2010

Weird Dream

I had a really REALLY weird dream last night. 
I had an argument with Snoop Dog, and he kept pulling pranks on me, as I kept pulling pranks on him. 
We then played in a friends basement, that looked like a big giant library, and easily to get lost in, I recall getting lost in it twice, since it was like a BIG FAT MAZE, and then my friends Steven, Jacob and Jonny decided we should play hide-and-seek in it. Me and Chrissy got lost. Chrissy decided to kick down the shelves, and it knocked over a kitchen, and Dini got mad.

I think thats all I remember, for now. 

Bear-hair over and out~!


  1. haha i would soo get mad if a kitchen got wrecked lol

  2. Especially when a bookshelf falls over on top of it.
