30 June, 2011

Scary Horsey

I thought this looked decent, but I take it back, would you like to ride this horse? And feed it a carrot? I wouldn't.... With its beaty little evil eyes, it might actually see me as a carrot!

Anyways, it's past my bedtime. Night.

27 June, 2011

New blog thingy for Dini.

This was suppose to be up around the time blog dash was happening, but I didn't finish it on time.
I'll be sending the coloured version to Dini, once its done, but I'd like to share the uncoloured version, and just update for the sake of it, since I do miss blogging regulary like I use to. 

And I know I keep saying this, but this art block, REALLY has been kicking me in the arse. It's on and off, and when I feel up to it, it'll bite me in the middle of a sketch. 
You know that saying? "You're your own worst critic"?
Well, I'm a complete jerk to myself, haha, I nitpick at every little thing. 
"The chin is too pointy"
"He looks too girly," 
"The eyes are too far apart." 

Also, I remembered way back in DECEMBER, that I was going to make a calender, because I had such a funny idea in my head... Maybe somewhere down the line, I'll actually get started on it, but lets just hope this slump lifts off me as soon as possible!

23 June, 2011

Sunburns and Glitches

Of all the dumbest things I've ever done, last week was a a shamefull facepalm. 
I went Kayaking with my auntie from Maple Bay, to Crofton. A two-three hour trip. Before we launched ourselves, what I should of done was follow suit with my auntie, and spray sun lotion on me, but nooo, I figured since I hardly burned, I didn't need it. 
Yeah. I know. Shut up. 

Also, blogger, you may be having a bit of a glitch, you say I have 10 followers, and then in my dashboard 13.

15 June, 2011

 That stickman with that face is my favorite. Out of all the effort I put into the others, oh noo, it had to be the stickman, haha.
Anywho, yesterday I went bike riding with my auntie, and also had a girls night with her. 
We went to the bar for Karaoke, but sadly, it wasn't playing, so we played pool instead. 
We were told that it would be playing today, but tonight is the night Boston and Vancouver play off. 
I'm insanley nervous about it, and whats ironic, I was never a hockey fan. I think it started when the Olympics were going on, but other than that, I've been getting extremly into it.


I don't think my network blog knows how to count. It says I've got 7 followers, when there is only four. Silly thing...

12 June, 2011

Since I started to draw boys again, they all turned out looking freaken GIRLY. Well, they were girly from the start, but now they have girlier poses, curves, just UGH. 

You will see men returning to this blog, until I'm able to draw biceps BEAUTIFULLY, and SEXILY. Or at LEAST manly. 

Then watch this, my women will be manly... Because I recall having a hard time drawing boobs, and they'd end up with big boobs too high, or flat.

09 June, 2011


Current Status: Going crazy.
Working on Resume Covers- Failing. 
Revamped Resume- Going awesome.
Job searching- Not so much.
Driving- Discovered my mom is a non-stop nag. Instead of encouraging me, and giving me useful advice, she's telling me to stop during the stop sign, (no duh) wait for the pedestrian to cross (no really? I thought that was a mobile speed bump.) Push the gas petal. (Oh, hy-uck, I thought this vehicle was like the Flinstons) and ect. 
GAH, She makes me feel so uncomfortable on the road, to the point where I don't feel fit to drive. And when I tell her, she goes, "Well I was taught differently..." 
No. Kidding. The drivers book changes EVERY YEAR.

I apologise to people who follow along with my blog, who had to read this vent, I'm actually trying to make fun of the situation as well. I'm sure there are those who have been in my shoes.... or socks.

05 June, 2011


Technically yesterday, since it it is now pushing 1:30 as I write this, I went Kayaking with my auntie. 
That is all.

04 June, 2011

I really need to work on my male anatomy... This was actually cropped, because things went wrong! Haha. 

I'm noticing he looks a little bit like a priest.... He's not, I tried to make his outfit look badass, but my hand was all, "Lol NOPE," 

Anyways, I found my Manilla drawing pad, and have been wanting to draw something from an olden days theme, because of the colour of the paper. For those who are following me on facebook, comment if you like, and leave any suggestions, and put my skills to the test!

02 June, 2011


Funny story is, thats not the reason why I like dogs over cats. During my childhood years, I had this dog name Ty, and she was freaken awesome. I don't even know where to begin. 

Don't get me wrong, I DO like cats, but I do have allergies to them. I think it depends on the fur though. And as lame as this comic is, this does happen. I melt at a kitty-cats cuteness, and end up having to pay the price sometimes. 

Anyways, I'll be making a new banner for Dini soon! It might be up within a week or two.